Believers, wrote Apostle Paul,
I'm shocked how quickly you would fall.

Away from truth, the only one
Revealed by Jesus Christ the Son.

For men's approval, do not ask
For God perform your holy task.

Thos who love God will give him praise
For enemies who change their ways.

The pillars Peter, John and James
Accepted Paul who grace proclaims.

Though Paul opposed Saint Peter when
He added rules, was scared of men.

By rules no one is justified.
Instead by Christ the crucified.

I died with him, no longer lawed.
I died that I might live with God.

Now answer this and don't be fools.
The Spirit comes by faith or rules?

It's faith, and always has been too.
"All nations will be blessed through you."

This promise Abraham received.
His kids would be those who believed.

Relying on the law, you're cursed.
Law comes from sin, and faith came first.

God promised, "You shall have these lands".
Years later came the Ten Commands.

By sin the world is overrun.
Get life, by faith, in Holy One.

Once you belong to Christ, then there
You are a son of God, an heir.

An heir, with rights which that imparts.
With Spirit living in your hearts.

So don't go back, don't be enslaved
by rituals your old self craved.

You're known by God, serve him always.
Not just on special hours or days.

Should you be zealous? Yes you should.
Provided that the cause is good.

Hagar and Sarah represent
Two different kinds of covenant.

One is earth-bound slavery.
The other Promise, Heaven, Free.

Messiah freed you. Stand firm then.
Don't be enslaved by rules again.

If righteousness by rules you chase,
You lose the righteousness from grace.

Awaiting our hope from above,
All that counts is faith shown by love.

Your freedom lets you start afresh.
Don't use it to indulge the flesh.

Just love your neighbor every day.
That's all the Law means anyway.

The flesh and Spirit are opposed
Choose one, the other is deposed.

Pursue the Spirit, you won't pine
For things which you were not designed.

Like drunkenness, debauchery,
Nor hatred and idolatry.

Not lewdness, envy, fits of rage
It is the flesh these thing engage.

Pursue the Spirit, what ensues
Is love, joy, peace, and patience too.

And kindness, goodness, self-control.
Those are results, God is the goal.

Walk with the Spirit, don't be vain.
Restore each other, don't arraign.

Think of the flesh, you'll be destroyed.
Of God, then life with Him enjoyed.

Those dwelling on rules to obey
And keep them all. Just ask: do they?

They only do this to avoid
The hate toward Christ that's been deployed.

I boast of one thing, Jesus Christ,
Whose grace and mercy have sufficed

To add unto his repetoire -
The new creation that you are.

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© 2024 Jotham McCauley